Nešto i o meni

Dragi moji posetioci bloga, ovom prilikom ću vas upoznati sa nekim svojim ličnim podacima. Zovem se Lazar Ranđelović i naravno živim u Boru :D, rođen sam 19.februara 1995. godine. Učenik sam drugog razreda srednje „Ekonomsko-Trgovinske škole“. U slobodno vreme volim svašta da radim, narocito na internetu. Pored toga što vršljam po net-u, a najviše na facebook-u :D, treniram i fudbal. Treniram za fudbalski klub Rudar i trenutno sam u kategoriji kadeta. Toliko o meni za sad, ko bude želeo da sazna nešto više o meni uvek me može pitati preko bloga ili naći na face-u. Pozzz svima! 😀

4 thoughts on “Nešto i o meni

  1. Hello Lazar, my name is Alexandra from Romania and I hope you can help me. I’m looking for physico-goegraphic description of Bor area. I need this for my license, i’m finishing my college and i’m recuired to do this. If you can find anything in english that I need please let me know as soon as you can. I like your web page, it’s great. Have a best day 😀

    1. Thank you Alexandra, I’m sorry because my english is bad, but I’ll try help you 🙂 . I tried find any website with all informations about Bor, but I found few with individual informations. You can use enough informations on wikipedia, but I would suggest you use informations on romanian language, because you’ll find so much informations. I’ll try find any website with informations on english language, but in general all websites are on serbian language like this Once more, I’m sorry because my english is bad. Have a nice day 😀 .

  2. Lazo druze,drago mi je da si aktivan i u ovoj sferi,radis to zaista dobro i samo nastavi tim tempom,pozz Ilibasic

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